Mashhad, Innovation Factory

Office hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m

Local innovation houses, an opportunity for visibility and recognition of home-based and small-scale entrepreneurs:

New Books

Home-based businesses and local small-scale businesses in the country face numerous challenges and obstacles in terms of financial resources, information and communication infrastructure, workspace, sales markets, etc. However, among these challenges, one main obstacle of a different nature is identifiable, which based on the experiences of various grassroots groups and conversations with government entities, can be acknowledged as the most impactful on entrepreneurship and innovation in this field. The persistence and escalation of the negative effects of this factor over time are evident. This factor is the feeling of “being unseen and unheard” among local entrepreneurs who have been active in the field of small-scale businesses or home-based businesses for a long time. This feeling is widely perceivable among local entrepreneurs, both in affluent areas and less affluent areas, tangibly and visibly. The activities of social activists, facilitation and local development offices, chambers of commerce, government entities such as the Relief Committee and Welfare Organization, and research institutions such as the University Jihad support this reality that the main stimulant and facilitator of entrepreneurship and interest of individuals and activists in the field of local home-based businesses and small-scale businesses has not yet resulted in a shared and understandable literature, and as a result, young people and activists at the local level feel that the government has not paid attention to them and the mechanisms and executive processes are not tailored to their conditions and requirements. Additionally, in these mechanisms, effective channels for transferring the opinions of the local community and reforming have not been understandable. This shows that beyond the negative effects of inappropriate mechanisms such as speculation and stock trading in the country’s economy, the lack of channels for dialogue and interaction between the government and local communities has resulted in young people and activists in these communities considering the government as a remote entity that is not sensitive to their needs and demands.

The government, aware that this hidden but highly effective factor not only undermines the motivation of local entrepreneurs but also contributes to the proliferation of apathy and laziness in urban neighborhoods and villages, can implement a coherent operational plan to address this issue. This approach not only eliminates this negative outlook, but also, as an innovative idea, significantly expands entrepreneurship in small businesses and home-based jobs. The development of the concept of “local innovation homes” is a novel idea in which the innovation ecosystem is responsible for educating, nurturing, and accelerating creative entrepreneurial ideas in the field of small businesses and local businesses. This operational program provides a suitable platform for direct communication between government institutions and local communities through social actors in each urban neighborhood and village, and provides infrastructure services and facilities for the development of local innovative ideas for entrepreneurs. In addition, a virtual and real platform will be provided in this center for presenting innovative ideas from each urban neighborhood or village to the entire country. It should be noted that the proposed location for this local center is within the existing capacities of urban neighborhoods and villages, especially mosques, Basij bases, or local development offices, and its operators are selected from among local actors and in the form of the private sector. Therefore, this idea does not impose additional burdens on the government, and at the same time, it will have significant positive effects on entrepreneurship in home-based and small businesses.